SecureCRT是一個非常可定制的終端仿真器,支持安全外殼( SSH )以及Telnet、Telnet / TLS和串行協議。SecureCRT非常適合安全連接到運行Windows、UNIX和虛擬機的遠程系統。SecureCRT支持通過Xmodem、Zmodem、Ymodem、Kermit和SFTP進行安全文件傳輸。

SecureFX是一款高安全性的文件傳輸客戶端,在配置和傳輸協議方面具有極大的靈活性。 SecureFX包含一個命令行實用程序(SFXCL),用于腳本化批處理作業,以使用安全Shell協議(SSH)執行安全的無人值守文件傳輸。 SecureFX還支持“無情”的文件傳輸,當傳輸連接斷開時,它會自動重新連接并恢復。


  • 在運行Windows,Linux和Mac的機器上安全地訪問UNIX,Linux或VMS上的業務應用程序 – 采用對VT100 / 102/220,TN3270,ANSI,SCO ANSI,Wyse 50/60,Xterm和Linux控制臺的豐富模擬支持。
  • 無論您擁有一個還是數千個會話,都可以完全控制回滾,鍵映射,顏色,字體等來配置,管理和組織所有會話。
  • 使用SSH(SSH2,SSH1),Telnet,Telnet / TLS,串行和其他協議從一個客戶端訪問全部網絡設備。
  • 利用具有省時功能的高生產力GUI,包括多會話啟動,選項卡式會話,選項卡組,平鋪會話,克隆會話,重復命令按鈕欄和映射鍵。
  • 取決于用于加密登錄和會話數據的開放標準Secure Shell(SSH)協議,靈活的身份驗證選項以及可選的經FIPS 140-2批準的密碼。
  • 通過使用VBScript,JScript,PerlScript或Python運行腳本,使SecureCRT中的重復任務自動化。腳本記錄器將您的按鍵創建為VBScript或Python腳本。
  • 使用SFTP,Xmodem,Ymodem,Zmodem或Kermit在網絡設備之間傳輸文件。內置的TFTP服務器提供了額外的文件傳輸靈活性。
  • 通過SecureCRT和SecureFX®文件傳輸客戶端的緊密集成來保存步驟,這些客戶端共享會話和設置,可以在不重新輸入密碼的情況下運行SFTP,FTP,SCP和FTP / TLS文件傳輸會話。


SecureCRT client for WindowsMac, and Linux provides rock-solid terminal emulation for computing professionals, raising productivity with advanced session management and a host of ways to save time and streamline repetitive tasks. SecureCRT provides secure remote accessfile transfer, and data tunneling for everyone in your organization.

Whether you are replacing Telnet or Terminal, or need a more capable secure remote access tool, SecureCRT is an application you can live in all day long. With the solid security of SSH, extensive session management, and advanced scripting, SecureCRT will help raise your productivity to the nth degree.

Key Benefits

Securely access business applications>Mac — employ the rich emulation support for VT100/102/220, TN3270, ANSI, SCO ANSI, Wyse 50/60, Xterm, and Linux console.

Configure, manage, and organize all your sessions with full control over scrollback, key mappings, colors, fonts, and more — whether you have>SSH2, SSH1), Telnet, Telnet/TLS, serial, and other protocols.

Leverage the high-productivity GUI with time-saving capabilities including multi-session launch, tabbed sessions, tab groups, tiled sessions, cloned sessions, a button barfor repeated commands, and mapped keys.

Depend>Secure Shell (SSH) protocol for encrypted logon and session data, flexible authentication options, and optional FIPS 140-2 -approved ciphers.

Automate repetitive tasks in SecureCRT by running scripts using VBScript, JScriptPerlScript, or Python. The script recorder builds your keystrokes into a VBScript or Python script.

Transfer files between network devices with SFTP, Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem, or Kermit. A built-in TFTP server provides additional file transfer flexibility.

Save steps with the close integration of SecureCRT and the SecureFX® file transfer client, which share sessions and settings that let you run SFTP, FTP, SCP, and FTP/TLS file transfer sessions without reentering passwords.


Download SecureFX for a free 30-day evaluation. Our flexible file transfer client gives you the tools you need to increase the security and efficiency of file transfer operations and site synchronization. SecureFX’s user-friendly interface makes it easy to learn, and support for multiple platforms allows you to apply the strong encryption and authentication mechanism of Secure Shell protocol to your data-in-transit.

Key Benefits

Maintain file systems and documents securely. Transfer files across networks and the internet with a choice of SFTP over SSH2, FTP over TLS, SCP, or FTP for access to legacy systems.

Get started quickly. Connect to sessions from the main application window using the Connect bar, then organize those sessions with the easy-to-learn tabbed interface.

Leverage the high-productivity UI. Drag and drop files to start transfers (Windows>automatically resuming multi-file transfers.

Save steps with integrated SecureFX and SecureCRT®. Set up connections with shared sessions and server host keys. Common sessions and settings reduce repeated steps.

Make transfers unattended. The SFXCL command-line client (Windows>FIPS 140-2.

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